Yonkers Automall
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Used Car Shopping Checklist in Yonkers NY

Used Car Shopping Checklist in Yonkers NY

Posted Thursday, August 11, 2022

With the worldwide microchip shortage hindering production quotas of the major automobile manufacturers, many consumers are turning to used vehicles for their transportation. Many used vehicles are lower in cost and cheaper to insure. This makes them viable options that can fit within the confines of any budget. But before you sign on the dotted line, there are a few items you should look over before any purchase.

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Personalizing Your Used Vehicle in Bronx

Personalizing Your Used Vehicle in Bronx

Posted Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Purchasing a used vehicle does not mean settling on its current condition with no opportunity for personalization. We recommend finding ways to make aused caryour own. Many car buyers would opt for pre-owned options more often if they knew all the fun ways to tailor them to fit their personality.

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Used vs New Vehicles in Yonkers

Used vs New Vehicles in Yonkers

Posted Friday, July 8, 2022

If you're in Yonkers or the surrounding area and are thinking it's time to purchase a new vehicle, you might feel tempted to look at one that's fresh off of the assembly line has the latest and greatest driving assistance features, and thrives on performance. However, your income level is more suited for purchasing a used model. While the thought of a "used vehicle" has a negative connotation attached to it, now is the perfect time to opt for a used vehicle instead of a new one. Here's why...

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Best Used Cars for Teen Drivers in Yonkers

Best Used Cars for Teen Drivers in Yonkers

Posted Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Do you have a teenager who just got their driver's license? You want your teen driver to be as safe as possible when they are behind the wheel. Part of making sure your teenager is safe is making sure their car is safe. Here are thebest-used carsfor teen drivers:The Toyota Prius is an excellent vehicle for first-time drivers. The size of this car is suitable for newer drivers who are still getting the hang of maneuverability. This vehicle is also ideal for teen drivers because of its efficiency. Your teen can save money on gas by taking advantage of the hybrid powertrain.

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How to Save Up for Your Next Car in Yonkers

How to Save Up for Your Next Car in Yonkers

Posted Saturday, June 11, 2022

Buying a reliable used car isn't as hard as you think if you know how to save up effectively for it. We're happy to help you do that with these friendly suggestions.

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Buying a Used BMW in Yonkers

Buying a Used BMW in Yonkers

Posted Thursday, May 26, 2022

If your dream is to own a BMW, but you're on a budget, buying a pre-owned BMW is the way to go. When you shop used, you can get a BMW for an incredibly affordable price. For tips for buying a used BMW, keep reading.The first step in buying a pre-owned BMW is determining your budget. Remember that even though a used BMW will have a lower sticker price, maintenance costs are going to be on the more expensive side. You also want to consider insurance and gas when determining your budget for a used BMW.

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Financial is Beneficial in Yonkers

Financial is Beneficial in Yonkers

Posted Thursday, May 12, 2022

For many years, there was a stigma when it came to purchasing a used car.Used car shoppingmeant browsing through classified ads and dealing with less than reputable business people. These days, that's not the case. Vehicles that you'll find on used lots have been thoroughly inspected and brought up to code before going on the market.Because of the worldwide microchip shortage, the need for high-quality used vehicles is larger than it's ever been. This means that if you're in the market for a new vehicle, buying a used one might be your best option, and financing one might be the ticket you need to get on the fast track to a better quality of life.

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Value Your Trade Bronx

Value Your Trade Bronx

Posted Friday, April 22, 2022

Since all good things must come to an end,trading in your automobilefor a younger pre-loved model is usually inevitable at some point. It is important to know the value of your trade and the factors that influence the amount that it is worth.Yonkers Automallprovides helpful information regarding trade-in value below.Knowing the worth of your car can play a huge part in how much money you will have towards the purchase of your next auto. You can get a better idea of the big picture including paying in cash or the terms of a loan with a down payment, and your trade-in value. There are definitely steps that you can take to make certain that you get the highest possible amount for your trade-in.

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Vehicle Trade-in near Yonkers

Vehicle Trade-in near Yonkers

Posted Thursday, April 7, 2022

For many consumers, the prospect of getting a new vehicle is one that seems tragically out of reach. AtYonkers Auto Mall, we're pleased to tell you that this is a simple misconception, even though it's unfortunately held by many. With the microchip shortage continuing, new vehicles will be produced on a much smaller scale. This means that buying used is one of the most viable options for many at the present time. This means there's an opportunity for you to have the quality of life you've been searching for. As a matter of fact, trading in your current vehicle for a used one of slightly better quality is a distinct possibility.

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Car Financing for Teens Near Bronx

Car Financing for Teens Near Bronx

Posted Monday, March 28, 2022

Teenage drivers often consider car financing as a way of getting the automobile they want. But it isn't always a simple or feasible option, especially for drivers that are under 18 years of age. Once a teen reaches 18 years old, the financing possibilities can broaden.The majority of teenagers do not have any type of credit history, therefore, new drivers commonly have problems attempting to obtain a car loan. There are a number of young adults that do have a credit history, but it may be less than desirable as a result of late payments and loan defaults. These unfavorable events lower a person's credit score, and lenders look closely at credit history to make decisions about whether or not to grant loans. This information is relevant not only to attainvehicle financingbut also for coverage approval from automobile insurance companies. Since credit scores can change over time, it is a great idea to learn your current credit score before trying to finance a car.

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